Presidential Trivia Game
and Presidential Quotes Quiz

Presidential trivia is not always comments from our Nations Leader, but also tidbits of information about their lives as well.  Could be an item from a school book, or a negative item that the press is playing up.

Whatever the case, Presidents do offer an enormous amount of information about themselves, that does make for excellent quiz material.

President Trivia
Price; $2.99

Included in this Game;

1. 27 President Trivia Questions
2. 27, President Quotes
3. 20, Match Presidents and Vice Presidents
4.Answers For All

presidents triviaPresidents Trivia
Page Two
presidents quotes, who said that?Presidents Quotes
presidents quotes page twoPresident Quotes
Page Two

Can you match the presidents with their VPMatch each Presidents
with their VP

All About our Presidents!

3 Games Total

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